The Truman Show- a modern day dilemma

“We accept the reality of the world with which we’re presented”

In 1998 a film starring comedy actor Jim Carrey was released to the world, The Truman Show, the film told the story of Truman Burbank a man who has lived his whole life as the star of a reality TV show without ever knowing it. The film showed similarities with a world that a one point lived in fear the Soviet Spies were listening into conversations and Nazi soldiers were bugging telephone boxes. However, this film has really stood the test of time. In a time were paranoia over FBI agents watching people through laptop cameras and Facebook sharing personal data, the reality of The Truman Show could not be more relative.

Jim Carrey gives a stand out performance as Truman Burbank one which would prove the actor to be more than the rubber faced comedian that many turned their nose up at the sight of. The truth is that Jim Carrey is a phenomenal serious actor and should be taken for more than just Ace Ventura: Pet Detective or Dumb and Dumber.

The film also relates to the modern day social media obsession as we see the way Truman acts towards his neighbours as a constantly happy, smiling, friendly person and we also see him behind closed doors where he longs for a life outside of the make believe Seahaven. Truman is presenting a version of himself to the outside world whist unknowingly having his every move watched. Truman also begins to notice his wife Meryl seemingly advertising things as if she were in-front of a live audience. This is similar to the theory that iPhones are listening to their owners conversations and then showing advertisements for the very products they were discussing.

Overall, I believe The Truman Show to be one of the greatest and timeless films. From Jim Carrey’s phenomenal acting to the harsh reality of Seahaven Island, I believe this film still has a long way to go.