I’m watching- You

Netflix’ newest thriller series, You, has had audiences all over the world on the edge of their seat. Based on the novel of the same name by Caroline Kepnes, You tells the story of young aspiring writer Guinevere Beck and her stalker-turned boyfriend Joe Goldberg.

Penn Badgley (Gossip Girl) gives a chilling performance as book store manager Joe Goldberg and throughout the series Badgley’s performance can give viewers the illusion that his character is actually not that sinister. The stalker has a caring relationship with the young boy Paco who lives in the apartment next door which leads the viewers to believe that Joe really can’t be that bad as he saves Paco from his mum’s abusive boyfriend.

Joe’s obsessiveness over Beck’s friends, in particular her friend Peach, can be seen in two lights; crazy or somewhat caring. The viewer sees that Peach is also obsessed with Beck and is trying to control her and make her leave Joe. It can be argued that Peach is just as crazy as Joe when it comes to controlling Beck.

The format of the show is very easy to watch however it does require of lot of attention so there’s no putting it on in the background while you do other things. 

You, is definitely worth the watch and will make us all double think our relationships with friends, family and that creepy guy in the bookstore.