Bohemian Rhapsody

The Queen biopicĀ Bohemian Rhapsody does not disappoint. The highly anticipated movie hit cinemas a month ago and has been racking in the cash ever since. The story follows Farrokh Bulsara as he meets his future band mates and becomes the man we know today, Freddie Mercury. We see the band grow to become global superstars and 27389429937_d28cd30755_bthe lead up to their iconic Live Aid performance in 1985.

Rami Malek gives a stand out performance as Freddie Mercury and really

Brian May and Gwilym Lee

embodies his character. Critics are praising the likeness between Malek and Mercury but to me Rami Malek isn’t the only one who bares a likeness to his role.

Gwilym Lee who plays Brian May is the most like his character out of the four band members. From the way he talks, looks and moves Lee is Brian May through and through with even Brian May himself being stunned by the similarity.

This is the movie of the year with there even being talks of an Oscar nomination for the movie and for Malek. You don’t have to be a Queen fan to enjoy this film and it may also introduce new fans to the very best of their music and the truth about what they went through to gain fame through the ages.